Pet Vitality from Omega Alpha is an age-specific liquid formula that addresses the health needs of senior pets, which can include: impaired mobility / activity, pain and inflammation, decreased energy, and reduced immunity.
The formula contains eighteen essential herbs and twenty seven other vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary for an aging dog or cat to regain vitality and better overall health.
An easily affordable product created to help restore an older pet's health, Pet Vitality is available in a 500 mL bottle and is dosed by the weight of the animal. For most pet guardians, this supply will last approximately 30 to 120 days.
Pet Vitality improves an animal's comfort and quality of life through support of the structural integrity and mobility of joints and connective tissues. Gluco-samine Sulphate, MSM, Chondroitin Sulphate, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Magnesium all help to maintain healthy bones, joints and teeth. Antiox-idants, such as Vitamins A, C and E all help to decrease the free radicals that can have a negative impact on a number of body systems.
The product includes only those active ingredients for which scientific research has verified efficacy. Vitamins and minerals help maintain the general health of all ages and breeds, and this formula includes the amino acid L-Taurine, which is essential for cardiovascular and vision health in both cats and dogs.
Pet Vitality promotes healthy immune function, and does not contain Echinacea, nor any artificial flavours or colours.